Wolfgang Spohn

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Portrait of Wolfgang Spohn

I am whole-heartedly a 20th and 21st century analytic philosopher. I have a high respect for the history of philosophy. But I enjoy standing on the shoulders of the great thinkers of the past and at the frontier of the history of thought (that's easy; there is so far nobody living after me). I fully believe that the deep philosophical questions which are with us since many centuries are not at all exhausted, that philosophy is still a progressive enterprise, that it must look back at its history, look aside to its fellow disciplines, and connect to society, but most of all look forward to what to do about its essential questions, that this is its way to be most fruitful, and that it is doomed if it forgets about this.

I invite everybody sharing these interests and attitudes to come to Konstanz. It is a perfect place to study, and a perfect place to study philosophy; there is hardly any better in Germany.

Areas of Competence

My areas of competence are: epistemology and philosophy of science, in particular induction and causation; ontology and metaphysics; philosophy of language and philosophy of mind; logic, philosophical logics, and philosophy of logic and mathematics; action theory, decision theory, game theory, social choice theory, and the theory of practical rationality in general.

Wolfgang Spohn and John Worrall
John Worrall and me

Lakatos Lecture [Pdf] [Podcast]

Hans Rott, me, Nancy Cartwright, Simon Blackburn and Achim Stephan at Frege Prize Colloquium
Frege Prize Colloqium (2015): Hans Rott, me, Nancy Cartwright, Simon Blackburn, Achim Stephan

Frege Lecture [Pdf]

Stephan Hartmann and me
Stephan Hartmann and me

Honorary Lecture [Pdf]