Laufende Habilitationen

Abgeschlossene Habilitationen

Eric Raidl: “Conditionals” (2021) (Scientific Collaborator at the Ethics & Philosophy Lab at the University of Tübingen, Germany)

Tobias Henschen: "Causality, Inference, and Objectivity in Macroeconomics" (2017) (Principal Investigator of a DFG-funded research project)

Gordian Haas: "Minimal Verificationism. Inquiry Concerning the Bounds of Possible Inquiry" (University of Bayreuth, 2011) (Assistant Professor at the University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Wolfgang Freitag: "I know. Modal Epistemology, the First Person, and Scepticism" (2010) (W3-Professor at the University of Mannheim, Germany)

Holger Sturm: "Bedeutung zwischen Wahrheit und Gebrauch" (2010) (Professor at the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany.)

Bernd Buldt: "Science and Reason in 19th Century Germany: Probability and Induction in Kant and the Fries School" (2003) (Head of Department and Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana)

Erik Olsson: "Coherence and Truth of Testimony" (2003) (Professor für Philosophie at the University of Lund, Sweden)

Volker Halbach: "Semantics and Deflationism" (2001) (Professor at New College, Oxford University)

Michael Esfeld: "Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics" (2000) (Ordinarius für Philosophie at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Wolfgang Benkewitz: "Wahrnehmen, Glauben und Gegenstände. Eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung" (LMU Munich, 1997) (Lehrbeauftragter at the University of Konstanz, Germany)

Laufende Dissertationen

Sara Blanco: "Trusting as a Moral Act: Trustworthy AI and Responsibility" (University of Tübingen)

Christopher von Bülow: "Structuralism in Mathematics and Metaphysics"

Sebastian Zezulka: "Performativity and Fairness in Machine Learning: A Methodology for Evaluating Algorithmic Policies" (University of Tübingen)

Abgeschlossene Dissertationen

Oliver Buchholz: "Means-End epistemology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence" (University of Tübingen, 2023)

Lena Dreher: "Neuroökonomie: eine wissenschaftstheoretische Analyse" (2021)

Arno Goebel: “Interpreting If-Constructions: A Pragmatic Account of Biscuit Conditionals” (2020)

Ali Zolfagharian: “Formal Representations of Suspended Judgment” (2020)

Christof Dobieß: "Kausale Relata" (2019)

Anders Landig: “(Direkte) Referenz und Starrheit. Über die theoretischen Grundlagen sprachlicher Bezugnahme” (2016) 

Anna-Maria Eder: “A Study on the Foundations of Theories of Epistemic Rationality” (2016) 

Eric Raidl: “Probabilité, Invariance et Objectivité” (2014)

Niels Skovgaard Olsen: "Making Ranking Theory useful for Psychology of Reasoning" (2014)

Robert Michels: "Metaphysical Modality and Essentiality" (2013)

Urs Allenspach: "Sequences of Choices with Mutliple Criteria and Thresholds. Implications for Rational Decisions in the Context of Sustainability" (2013) 

Alexandra Zinke: “The Metaphysics of Logical Consequence” (2013) 

Benjamin Bewersdorf: "Belief and Its Revision" (2012)

Stefan Hohenadel: „Epistemic Updates in Belief Networks“ (2012)

Gerard Montague: "Who Am I? Who Is She? A Naturalistic, Holistic, Somatic Approach to Pesonal Identity" (2012)

Carlos Batista de Sousa: "Über die Möglichkeit des Selbstbewusstseins: Eine Untersuchung über die Natur des Bewusstseins" (2009) 

Markus Heß: "Is Truth the Primary Epistemic Goal?" (2009) 

Stefano Bigliardi : "Introduction to the Ranking Functions Theory" (2008) 

Vanessa Morlock: "Reflexive A Priori" (2008) 

Bruno Mölder: "Mind Ascribed. An Elaboration and Defence of Interpretivism" (2007)

Wolfgang Freitag: "Die Idee einer reflexiv-kritischen Philosophie. Die Einheit von Form und Inhalt bei Wittgenstein und Heidegger" (2005) 

Andrea Clausen: "Ist Bedeutung objektiv?" (2004) 

Radu Dudau: "The Realism/Antirealism Debate in the Philosophy of Science" (2002) 

Gordian Haas: "Revision und Rechtfertigung. Eine Theorie der Theorieänderung“ (2002) 

Jacob Rosenthal: "Wahrscheinlichkeiten als Tendenzen. Eine Untersuchung objektiver Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Propensity Theorie" (2002) 

Ludwig Fahrbach: "Bayesianismus aus naturalistischer Sicht" (2000) 

Lucas Amiras: "Protogeometrica. Systematisch-kritische Untersuchungen zur protophysikalischen Geometriebegründung" (1999) 

Manfred Kupffer: "Counterparts and Qualities" (2000) 

Marion Ledwig: "Newcombs Problem " (2000) 

Dirk Maienhöfer: "Die Stimmen der Vernunft - eine vergleichende Untersuchung verschiedener Rationalitätskonzeptionen" (1997)