
Biezma, M., Goebel, A., ”Being pragmatic about biscuits”.

Dohrn, D., “A Unified Account of Reverse Sobel sequences”.

Dohrn, D., “The Counterfactual Account of Modal Knowledge and the Problem of Constitutive Facts”.

Dohrn, D., “Thought Experiments and Deviant Realisations. How I Stopped Worrying”.

Grigorian, N,. “Revolution on Earth and Mars: Malthusian Thought Experiments in Alexander Bogdanov’s Red Star (1908) and Aleksei Tolstoy’s Aelita (1923)”.

Leahy, B., “A Teleosemantic Theory of Mental Conditionals”.

Leahy, B., “Simplicity and Elegance in Millikan’s Account of Productivity: Reply to Martinez”.

Raidl, E., “Completeness for Counter-doxa Conditionals – Using Ranking Semantics”.

Raidl, E., Epistemic-State Parallelism: Translating between Probabilities and Ranks.

Raidl, E., “The Category Theoretic Structure of Revision”.

Raidl, E., “Open Minded Orthodox Bayesianism by Epsilon-Conditionalisation”.

Raidl, E., “Lewis’ Triviality for Nice Plausibilities”.

Rafetseder, E., Leahy, B., & Perner, J., “Teleology-in-Perspective: The role of counterfactual reasoning in false belief reasoning”.

Spohn, W., “Defeasible Normative Reasoning”. 

Rosefeldt, T., “Complicated Generics”.

To appear:

Enders, F., 2018. “The German discourse particle ‘doch’ in imperatives”, to appear in: Proceedings of CSSP 2017.

Enders, F., 2018. “A Unified Account for German ‘doch'”, to appear in: Proceedings of PLC 41.

Raidl, E., “Ranking Semantics for Doxastic Necessities and Conditionals”, to appear in: Logica Yearbook 2017 (Pavel Arazim et al., eds), College Publications.

Rafetseder, E., & Perner, J., “Belief and Counterfactuality: A teleological theory of belief attribution”, to appear in: Zeitschrift für Psychologie.

Rosefeldt, T., “Kant on Imagination and the Intuition of Time”, to appear in: G. Gentry, K. Pollock, eds., The Imagination in German Idealism and Romanticism, CUP

Rosefeldt, T., “Kant and the epistemic role of the imagination”, to appear in: Synthese.


Biezma, M., Goebel, A., 2018. “The pragmatic ingredients to get perfect biscuits”, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21.

Dohrn, D., 2018. “Moral Sentimentalism in Counterfactual Contexts: Moral Properties are Response-Enabled”, Philosophia 46, 69-82.

Dohrn, D., 2018. “Thought Experiments without Possible Worlds”, Philosophical Studies 175, 363-384. 

Krassnig, D., 2018. “Simple even hypothesis: NPIs and differences in question bias”, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21.

Leahy, B., 2018. “Counterfactual antecedent falsity and the epistemic sensitivity of counterfactuals”, Philosophical Studies 175, 45-69.

Spohn, W., 2018. “How the Modalities Come into the World”, Erkenntnis 83, 89-112.


Csipak, E., 2017. “Referentially used definite descriptions can be conditionalized”. In: A. Cremers, T. van Gessel and F. Roelofsen, eds., Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium 2017, 205- 214.

Dohrn, D., 2017. ”Nobody Bodily Knows Possibility”, The Journal of Philosophy 114, 678-686.

Dohrn, D., 2017. “Is There an Incremental Reading of Conditionals?” Australasian Philosophical Review 1, 173-178. 

Dohrn, D., 2017. “Presuppositional Anaphora is the Sobel Truth”, in: P. Domaneschi, S. Pistoia Reda, eds., Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and Presuppositions, Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 199-238. 

Dohrn, D., 2017. “Rationalismus”, in: M. Schrenk (ed.), Handbuch Metaphysik, Stuttgart: Metzler, 33- 42. 

Krassnig, D., 2017. “Sobel and Lewis Sequences - Relevancy or Imprecision?”, In: A. Cremers, T. van Gessel and F. Roelofsen, eds., Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium 2017, 325-334.

Leahy, B.; Huber, M., 2017, ”Two Arguments for the etiological theory over the modal theory of biological function“. Synthese 194, 1169-1187.

Romero, M., 2017. “Tense and Mood in Counterfactual Conditionals: The View from Spanish”. In: A. Cremers, T. van Gessel and F. Roelofsen, eds., Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium 2017, 375-384.

Rosefeldt, T., 2017. “Counting things that could exist”; in: The Philosophical Quarterly 67, 127-147.

Spohn, W., 2017. “The Epistemology and Auto-Epistemology of Temporal Self-Location and Forgetfulness”, Ergo 4, 359-418.

Spohn, W., 2017. “Epistemic Justification: Its Subjective and Its Objective Ways”, Synthese, online first.

Spohn, W., 2017. “Knightian Uncertainty Meets Ranking Theory”, Homo Oeconomicus 34, 293- 311.


Biezma, M., Arregui, A., 2016. ”Discourse rationality and the counterfactuality implicature in backtracking conditionals”. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20.

Dohrn, D., 2016. “Fiction and Thought Experiment. A Case Study”, Teorema 35, 185-199.

Grigorian, N., 2016. “Thomas Malthus and Nikolai Chernyshevskii: Struggle for Existence or Mutual Help?” Russian Literature 81, 67-83.

Müller, T., 2016. “Sleeping beauty in branching time”. In: Freitag, W., Rott, H., Sturm, H., and Zinke, A., (eds.), Von Rang und Namen. Philosophical essays in honour of Wolfgang Spohn, pages 307–325. Mentis, Münster

Raidl, E., 2016. “Updating a Progic”, Journal of Applied Logic, 14, 65-95.
Raidl, E., and Skovgaard-Olsen.N., 2016. “Bridging Ranking Theory and the Stability Theory of Belief”,

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 46, 577-609.

Rumberg, A., 2016.”Transition Semantics for Branching Time”. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25(1): 77-108.

Rumberg, A., 2016.”Transitions toward a Semantics for Real Possibility”. PhD thesis. Questiones Infinitae: Publications of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, volume 98. Utrecht University.

Spohn, W., 2016. “Enumerative Induction”, in: C. Beierle, G. Brewka, M. Timm (eds.), Computational Models of Rationality: Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday, London: College Publications, S. 96-114.

Spohn, W., 2016. “Truth and Rationality”, Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology, and Political Science 36, 7-19.


Dohrn, D., 2015. “Egan and Agents: How Evidential Decision Theory Could Deal with Egan’s Dilemma”, Synthese 192, 1883-1908.

Dohrn, D., 2015. “According to the Fiction. A Metaexpressivist Account”, Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 7, 37-60

Grigorian, N., 2015. “Revoljucija na Zemle i na Marse. Mal'tuzianskie myslennye ėksperimenty v romanach Krasnaja zvezda (1908) Aleksandra Bogdanova i Aėlita (1923) Alekseja Tolstogo”. In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 132, S. 216-230.

Grigorian, N., 2015. “Revolution on Earth and Mars: Malthusian Thought Experiments in Alexander Bogdanov’s Red Star (1908) and Aleksei Tolstoy’s Aelita (1923)”. Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch.

Nicolosi, R., 2015. “Myslennye ėksperimenty v literature. Kontrafaktual'naja argumentacija v "Russkich nočach" V. Odoevskogo“. In: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 76, S. 55-66.

Nicolosi, R., 2015. “Tomas Mal'tus i russkaja kul'tura XIX-XX vekov: Myslennyj ėksperiment meždu naukoj i literaturoj. Gastherausgeberschaft”. In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 132, S. 182-230.

Nicolosi, R.,2015. “Ot sostovitelja. Einleitung zu: Tomas Mal'tus i russkaja kul'tura XIX-XX vekov: Myslennyj ėksperiment meždu naukoj i literaturoj”. In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 132, S. 182- 186.

Nicolosi, R., 2015. ”Apokalipsis perenaselenija. Političeskaja ėkonomika i myslennye ėksperimenty u T. Mal'tusa i V. Odoevskogo”. In: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 132, S. 187-200.

Perner, J., Huemer. M., and B. Leahy., 2015. “Mental files and belief: A cognitive theory of how children represent belief and its intensionality”. In: Cognition 145, 77-88.

Spohn, W. 2015., “Conditionals: A Unified Ranking-Theoretic Perspective”, Philosophers’ Imprint 15 (1), 1-30.


Bauer, J. 2014., “‚Gerichtetes Wahrnehmen‘, ‚Stimmung‘, ‚soziale Verstärkung‘. Zur historischen Semantik einiger Grundbegriffe der Lehre vom Denkstil und Denkkollektiv“. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 22.1-2, S. 87–109.

Bauer, J., 2014. “From Organisms to World Society: Steps towards a Conceptual History of Systems Theory, 1880–1980“. Contributions to the History of Concepts 9.2.

Dohrn, D., 2014. “Empirie, Expertise, Analyse: Der Fall Gettier“, in: T. Grundmann et al. (eds.), Die experimentelle Philosophie in der Diskussion, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 213-234.

Dohrn, D., 2014. Kontrafaktizität und Fatalität in „Jacques le Fataliste et son Maître“, Aufklärung und Kritik 4, 151-160

Kleeberg, B.; Werner, S. (Hrsg.)., 2014. „Gestalt, Ritus, Kollektiv. Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der Ethnologie, Gestalt-psychologie und Soziologie seiner Zeit“. In: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, Heft 22.1-2, 1–7.

Leahy, B., “Teleosemantics: Intentionality, Productivity, and the Theory of Meaning”, Language and Linguistics Compass 8, 197-210.

Leahy, B., Rafetseder, E., and Perner, J., 2014. “Basic Conditional Reasoning: How Children Mimic Counterfactual Reasoning”. Studia Logica, 102, 793–810.

Rafetseder, E., and Perner, J., 2014. “Counterfactual reasoning: Sharpening conceptual distinctions in developmental studies”. Child Development Perspectives, 8(1), 54–58. 

Spohn, W., 2014. “AGM, Ranking Theory, and the Many Ways to Cope with Examples“. In: Hansson, S. O. (Hrsg.). David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Bd. 3, Springer: Dordrecht, S. 95–118.

Spohn, W., 2014. “Précis von The Laws of Belief“ und „Replik auf die Kommentare von Ralf Busse und Hans Rott“. In: Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68, S. 82–89 + S. 100–103.

Spohn, W., 2014. “The Epistemic Account of Ceteris Paribus Conditions“, European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4, 385-408.

Spohn, W., 2014. “A Priori Principles of Reason“, in: P. Schroeder-Heister, G. Heinzmann, W. Hodges, P.E. Bour (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress. Logic and Science Facing the New Technologies, College Publications, London 2014, pp. 235-251.


Bauer, J., 2013. Review of Joel Isaac ‘Working Knowledge: Making the Human Sciences from Parsons to Kuhn’, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP 2012“. In: H-Soz-u-Kult.

Bauer, J., 2013. „Das Gedankenexperiment. Gespinst oder Wissenschaft?“ Interview mit C.M. Voigtmann. In: Schlögl, R. (Hrsg.), Exzellenzcluster Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration. Themen, Thesen, Texte 02/13, Universität Konstanz, S. 30–33.

Dohrn, D., 2013. “Counterfactuals and Two Kinds of Ought“. In: GAP8-Proceedings, S. 588–592.

Dohrn, D., 2013. “Kontrafaktizität und Fatalität in Diderots ‚Jacques le Fataliste et son Maître‘“. In: Aufklärung und Kritik 4, S. 151–160.

Grigorian, N., 2013. “Thought Experiments in Vladimir Odoevsky’s Russian Nights”. In: Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch (Vienna Slavic Yearbook), New Series 1 (2013), S. 20-42.

Leahy, B., 2013. “Can Teleosemantics Deflect the EAAN?“. In: Philosophia (41), S. 221–238.

Nicolosi, R., 2013. “Kontrafaktische Überbevölkerungsphantasien. Gedankenexperimente zwischen Wissenschaft und Literatur am Beispiel von Thomas Malthus’ An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) und Vladimir Odoevskijs Poslednee samoubijstvo (Der letzte Selbstmord, 1844)”. In: Scientia poetica 17 (2013), S. 50-75.

Romero, M.; Novel, M., 2013. „Variable Binding and Sets of Alternatives“. In: Falaus, A. (Hrsg.). Alternatives in Semantics, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, S. 174–208.

Romero, M., 2013. „Modal Superlatives: A Compositional Analysis“. In: Natural Language Semantics 21, 79–110.

Romero, M., 2013. „Decomposing Modal Superlatives“. In: LaCara, N.; Fainleib, L.; Park, Y. (Hrsg.). Proceedings of NELS 41, 151–164.

Spohn, W., 2013. „A Ranking-Theoretic Approach to Conditionals“. In: Cognitive Science 37, S. 1074– 1106.

Spohn, W., 2013. „50 Jahre Gettier: Reichen Vielleicht“. In: Ernst, G.; Marani, L. (Hrsg.). Das GettierProblem. Eine Bilanz nach 50 Jahren, Münster: Mentis, S. 179–197.

Walker, A., 2013. Soft Presupposition Triggers. MA-Arbeit, Universität Konstanz.


Dohrn, D., 2012. “Modals vs. Morals. Blackburn on Conceptual Supervenience”, in: GAP7-Proceed- ings 645-666.

Nicolosi, R., 2012. Evidenz und Kontrafaktizität im (russischen) Naturalismus. Die reductio ad absurdum des ‚Kampfes ums Dasein‘ in D.N. Mamin-Sibirjaks Roman Chleb (Korn). In: Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 69 (2012), S. 247-271.

Spohn, W., 2012. The Laws of Belief. Ranking Theory and its Philosophical Applications. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Walker, A., 2012. „Focus, Uniqueness and Soft Presupposition Triggers“. In: Aloni, M. et al. (Hrsg.). Logic, Language and Meaning, LNCS 7218, S. 460–469.


Dohrn, D., 2011. “Counterfactual Explanation in Literature and the Social Sciences”, in: D. Birke et al., (ed.), Counterfactual Thinking, Counterfactual Writing, Berlin: De Gruyter, 45-61.

Dohrn, D., 2011. Are there a Posteriori Conceptual Necessities?, Philosophical Studies 155.2, 181- 197.

Leahy, B., 2011. „Presuppositions and Antipresuppositions in Conditionals“. In: Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory XXI, S.257–274.

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Grigorian, N., Predicting the Future: Malthusian Thought Experiments in Russian Culture (1840–1960).

Grigorian, N., and Nicolosi, R., 2014. “Mathusian Thought Experiments in Russian and Soviet Culture”. 

Grigorian, N., 2014. “Thomas Malthus and Nikolai Chernyshevsky: Thought Experiments and Visions of the Future”. 

Merin, A., 2012. „Multilinear Semantics – with Case Studies on Double-Jointed and Convex Coordinate Constructions“.

Merin, A., 2012. „Language Heedless of Logic – Philosophy Mindful of What? Failures of Distributive and Absorption Laws“. 

Merin, A., 2013. „The Motive Theory of Meaning and Truth Conditions for Indicative Conditionals“.

Merin, A., 2013. „Updating on Conditionals“.

Merin, A., 2013 „There are many conditional actions but no conditional acts“.

Merin, A., 2014. „Conviction, Relevance and Irrelevance in Subjunctive and Indicative Conditionals“, 

Merin, A., 2014. „Tonicity and Logicality of Conditionals“.

Merin, A., 2014. „Descriptions and the Metaphysics of Prejudice“.

Nicolosi, R., Zur Rhetorik Darwinistischer Gedankenexperimente. Am Beispiel von Charles Darwins ‚The Origin of Species‘ und Petr Kropotkins ‚Mutual Aid. A Factor of Evolution‘.

Shibanova, V., Gedankenexperimente in der sowjetischen Pädologie. Eine Spurensuche.