The Question ‘What If’ in the Sciences and Humanities

What If Geneva

This interdisciplinary workshop addresses the role of counterfactual considerations in various sciences as well as in the humanities. The focus will be on the evaluation of counterfactual conditionals that are proposed by scientists, philosophers, novelists and historians in response to specific ‘What if?’ questions.

The workshop is organized in close collaboration with the interdisciplinary DFG-SNSF
research unit ‘What if? On the Meaning, Epistemology and Scientific Relevance of
Counterfactual Claims and Thought Experiments’, based at the Universities of Konstanz, Geneva, Bochum, and the Humboldt University of Berlin.


The workshop is taking place in Geneva at Uni Dufour, room U159.

Workshop organizers:

Marcel Weber (University of Geneva), Maximilian Huber (University of Geneva) and Guillaume Schlaepfer (University of Geneva)


Thursday, 4 July 2013
9h30 Coffee
10h John Beatty, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
What does it mean to say that “history matters”, causally speaking?
11h Quentin Deluermoz, Université Paris 13
Pierre Singaravélou, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Counterfactuals: a historian’s perspective
12h Lunch
13:30h Eva Rafetseder, Universität Konstanz
How young children mimic adult-like counterfactual reasoning
14:30h Maximilian Huber, Université de Genève
Biological Function and Counterfactuals
15:30 Coffee
16h Daniel Dohrn and Thomas Krödel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Should the role of laws in Lewis’ similarity criteria be fine-tuned?
17h Arthur Merin, Universität Konstanz
Cartesian Doubts and Moore-Style Certainty in Contradoxical Conditionals
20h Conference Dinner
Friday, 5 July 2013
9h Natasha Grigorian, Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Universität Konstanz
Thomas Malthus and Nikolai Chernyshevsky: Struggle for Existence or Mutual Help?
10h Tarja Knuuttila, University of Helsinki
Counterfactual reasoning vs. fictional modeling – Causation of Inflation in Macroeconomics
11h Coffee
11:30h Christian Wüthrich, University of California, San Diego
What if the world was quantum gravitational?